Kate Ellen
I am founder of Azure Vault Studios, where I turn websites from by ho-hum into VISHUN ✨ by channeling my inner alchemist. Think of me as the Marie Kondo of digital design—except instead of folding your socks into oddly satisfying rows, I’m sparking joy by transforming your online presence into a radiant, magnetic force that attracts your dream clients like moths to a flame. (And yes, I’m just as weird and wonderful as that sounds.) Want to send me an email? Hell dude, I dare ya. blue@azurevaultstudios.com.
Dear Diary
A secret portal into my delightfully weird Aquarian worldview. Think of it as a cosmic cocktail of practical advice, mystical musings, and the occasional existential crisis. Here, we’ll explore how to turn your digital presence into gold, why your brand is more than just a logo, and how to channel your own inner alchemist to create a life and business that shines. (Spoiler: it’s a mullet wetdream: business up front and party in the back.)
Little Door
Substack is homebase for my alter-ego. Human Curated Music with Recording Artist, Little Door ⟿ Connecting You with Your Next Obsession. Playlists and musical musings. I’m also documenting the journey of making my first album—going from an unknown, unpublished artist to a debut recording artist in real time. Think of it like a radical Pitchfork, but run by me, a groovy psychedelic mom with a penchant for saying dude and dropping f-bombs.
Transmute a Message
“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”
—Carl Jung